236 Using Other Applications
14.1 Voice Speed Dial
You can record voice tags so that you can dial a phone number or launch
programs simply by speaking a word.
Create a voice tag for a phone number
1. Tap Start > Contacts to open the Contacts list.
2. Do one of the following:
• Tap and hold the desired contact, then tap Add Voice Tag.
• Select the desired contact, then tap Menu > Add Voice Tag.
• Tap the desired contact to open the contact’s detailed screen, then
tap Menu > Add Voice Tag.
3. Select the phone number that you want to create a voice tag for, then
tap the Record button .
Tip To ensure voice recognition accuracy, record your voice in a quiet place.
4. When completed, a Voice Tag icon is displayed on the right of the
Select the
desired phone
Tap the Record button to start recording.