Installing and Configuring PPU Software
Configuring PPU Software
Chapter 3 29
Configuring PPU Software
After you have successfully installed the PPU B.06.x software, using the
swinstall command, you need to configure the PPU https client
connection to the utility meter. The utility meter must be configured on
every partition, including virtual partitions.
NOTE The following configuration procedure assumes your utility meter has
been installed on the PPU system’s network by your HP service
representative. If the utility meter is not installed, contact your HP
service representative.
There can be up to four steps to configure your PPU system, depending
on whether or not your network uses a proxy server, and if you desire to
specify a name other than your system’s hostname as the system
At a minimum, the name of the utility meter must be set. The four steps
to configure the PPU software are:
Step 1. Configure the hostname of the utility meter (required)
Step 2. Configure the hostname of the proxy server (if necessary)
Step 3. Configure the proxy server’s username and password (if required by the
proxy server)
Step 4. Configure the system identifier (if desired)
Configuring the Utility Meter (required)
To set the hostname of the utility meter, execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/ppuconfig -m meter
Where meter is the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the utility