Operations Guide 930500E CyberData Corporation
Installing the VoIP V3 Indoor Intercom
Configure the Nightringer Parameters
2. On the Nightringer Configuration page, enter values for the parameters indicated
in Table 2-12.
Web Page Item Description
Enable Nightringer When the nightringer is enabled, the unit will attempt to
register a second extension with the SIP server. Any calls
made to this extension will play a ringtone.
Nightringer Settings
SIP Server Type the SIP server represented as either a numeric IP
address in dotted decimal notation.
Remote SIP Port Type the Remote SIP Port number (default 5060)
(8 character limit).
Local SIP Port Type the Local SIP Port number (default 5060)
(8 character limit).
Note: This v
alue cannot be the same as the Local SIP Port*
found on the SIP Configuration Page.
User ID Type the U
ser ID (up to 64 alphanumeric characters).
Authenticate ID Type the A
uthenticate ID (up to 64 alphanumeric
Authenticate Password Type the A
uthenticate Password (up to 64 alphanumeric
Re-registration Inter
val (in seconds) Type the SIP Registration lease time in minutes (default is
60 minutes) (8 character limit). Re-registration Interval (in
Click the Sa
ve button to save your configuration settings.
Note: Y
ou need to reboot for changes to take effect.
Click on the Re
boot button to reboot the system.
3. After changing the parameters, click on the Save button.
Table 2-12. Nightringer Configuration Parameters