Cisco Unified CallManager System Guide
Chapter 43 Cisco Unified IP Phones
Phone Features
When users experience problems with their IP phones, they can report the type of problem and other
relevant statistics by pressing the QRT softkey on the Cisco Unified IP Phone during one of the following
call states:
• Connected
• Connected Conference
• Connected Transfer
• On Hook
From a supported call state, and using the appropriate problem classification category, a user can then
choose the reason code that best describes the problem that is being reported for the IP phone. A
customized phone problem report provides you with the specific information.
For detailed information about configuring and using the Quality Report Tool feature, refer to Quality
Report Tool in the Cisco Unified CallManager Features and Services Guide. For more information about
configuring and using the QRT Viewer, refer to the Cisco Unified CallManager Serviceability
Administration Guide.
For information about the user interface, refer to the appropriate Cisco Unified IP Phone Guide for your
model IP phone and the Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager.
Call Diagnostics and Voice-Quality Metrics
You can configure Cisco Unified IP Phones to collect call diagnostics and voice-quality metrics by
setting a service parameter in Cisco Unified CallManager Administration as described in the following
1. From Cisco Unified CallManager Administration, choose System > Service Parameters.
2. In Clusterwide Parameters (Device - General), locate the Call Diagnostics Enabled service
3. From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following states:
• Enabled Only When CDR Enabled Flag is True
• Enabled Regardless of CDR Enabled Flag
4. Click Save.
For more information about configuring service parameters in Cisco Unified CallManager
Administration, refer to “Service Parameters Configuration” in the Cisco Unified CallManager
Administration Guide. For information on configuring Cisco Unified IP Phones in Cisco Unified
CallManager Administration, refer to “Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration” in the Cisco Unified
CallManager Administration Guide. For information on configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phones for
which call diagnostics and voice-quality metrics are available, refer to the Cisco Unified IP Phone user
and administration documentation.
Service URL
You can also configure a Cisco Unified IP Phone Service URL, such as the extension mobility service,
to a phone button. When the button gets pressed, the service gets invoked.
To configure a service URL on a phone button for the user, the administrator performs the following
1. Using Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Configuration, create a service.
2. Using Phone Button Configuration, create a custom phone button template to include the service
URL feature.