
60 Call Register
[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
snom technology AG 61
[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
To load an Address book from a le, click on the Browse button on
the page Phone / Phonebook in the section entitled “Upload Address Book
(CSV)”. Select the pre-stored csv le from the storage medium and then
press the ‘Load’ button just below the edit box.
This will add the address book entries in the stored le to the
address book of your snom 190. Name and Address elds refer to the
column numbers in which these elds exist in the csv le to be attached.
They are not required if the le has proper eld headers.