Handling Calls DS/ITP-5012L Phone User Guide
If the recipient of the transferred call does not answer or rejects an
automatic transfer, the call returns (or recalls) to your phone. Answer
the call as normal.
If you wait for confirmation of the transfer and the recipient does not
answer or rejects the transfer, you can press the [Transfer] button to re-
connect to the external call.
If the recipient is busy, you can disconnect and park the call, then no-
tify the busy station of the parked call (see Call Parking, below.)
Call Parking
You can place a call in a ‘parking orbit’ and announce the call over a paging
system for someone to pick up. There is a total of 10 (0–9) selectable park-
ing orbits.
Parking a Call
1. During a call, press the [Screen]
button until the AOM screen is displayed.
2. Press the [Selection] button for the
[PARK] menu on the AOM screen.