Using the Top-Level Menu
General Description
When the keypanel is turned ON, it resets to the top-level menu. At this level, the MENU indicator is OFF. To access the items
in the top level menu, turn the SELECT control. The following items are displayed in the call waiting window as the SELECT
control is turned:
Tap the SELECT control on any item in the top level menu to select that item.
The following paragraphs describe the use of the top-level menu items.
Top Level Menu, - - - - (Clear call waiting)
The call waiting window defaults to clear (- - - -) at power-up and when no action has been taken with the SELECT control for
about 30 seconds. The clear indication may be used to clear an intercom key’s assignment. To do this, press and hold the
SELECT control, then tap the intercom key that you want to clear.
• Clear call waiting only clears key assignments. It does not clear key options. If you want to clear an option that has been
assigned to a key, use “Menus, KEY OPT, CLR OPT” on page 36.
• If a key assignment will not clear, restrictions may have been imposed using the intercom system configuration software. In
this case, talk to the intercom system administrator if you need to make changes.
- - - - Clear call waiting. Default condition od display. May be used to clear keys.
Call list names The last 4 destination names to appear in the call waiting window are retained for quick talk using the
SELECT control.
DISPLAY Displays information such as the keypanel’s port number, setup page usage, listen assignments, etc.
KEY LIST Accesses all four setup pages of key assignments for this keypanel.
LEVEL Lets you adjust the range of VOLUME control or adjust the listen level for selected intercom keys.
LISTS Accesses the intercom system scroll lists for key assignment.
MENUS Provides access to less commonly used keypanel features.
PAGE (1-4) Lets you assign a different page of key assignments
TGL LISN Lets you activate/deactivate the listen assignment for a talk key without activating the talk assignment. (Push-
button only)