vi DBS-EX23-530 Revised April 2000
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Guidelines for ordering ISDN services ......................................................... 1-4
Table 4-1 ISDN alarm definitions ............................................................................... 4-17
Table 5-1 ISDN Hardware requirements for single-cabinet systems ............................ 1-8
Table 5-2 ISDN Hardware requirements for double-cabinet systems ......................... 1-8
Table 5-3 CSU equipment required for ISDN ............................................................. 1-9
Table 6-1 EC/TRK slot usage for ISDN ....................................................................... 2-3
Table 6-2 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40 ............................................. 2-5
Table 6-3 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72 ............................................. 2-5
Table 6-4 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 ............................................. 2-6
Table 6-5 Maximum ISDN assignments for two-cabinet systems ............................... 2-7
Table 6-6 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40 + 40 .................................... 2-7
Table 6-7 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72 + DBS 72 ............................ 2-8
Table 6-8 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 40 ............................. 2-9
Table 6-9 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 72 .......................... 2-10
Table 6-10 ISDN and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 96 .......................... 2-11
Table 6-11 Switch settings for SW1 on the ISDN card ............................................... 2-18
Table 7-1 ISDN alarm definitions ............................................................................... 4-17
Table 7-2 Alarm-related programs ............................................................................. 4-18