Nortel Networks Voice Mail Answering Machine User Manual

Working with CallPilot
How to use this guide
This guide explains in detail how to work with CallPilot from the keypad of your
touchtone telephone. If you want to use a feature or service described in this guide
but you cannot access it, check with your administrator.
CallPilot terms
Access numbers
Your administrator gives you the access numbers you need for CallPilot. Keep a handy
record of these numbers in Your CallPilot numbers.
Your CallPilot mailbox stores your messages, recorded greetings, distribution lists, and
other personal settings. You can log in to your mailbox at any time to play your
messages and use all of the available CallPilot features and services. Your
administrator will assign you a mailbox number, which is usually your extension number.
Your personal password provides security for your mailbox and its contents. All of your
interaction with CallPilot is confidential; no one else can access your mailbox.
Help sources
Voice prompts
On your telephone, CallPilot guides you with voice prompts at each step. The prompts
tell you what to do next, or what options are available, so you don’t have to remember
every step. You can interrupt a prompt by pressing the key for the next step.
Context-sensitive help
On your telephone, you can press * for Help at any time while you are logged into your
mailbox. You will hear the options that are available for your next step.
My CallPilot
On your computer, web-based My CallPilot provides a Useful Information page specific
to the mailbox options, features, and services that are available to you.
Printed help
In addition to this user guide, a printed Quick Reference Card and a printed Wallet Card
are available. Keep them near your telephone or take them with you when you travel.