What Happens in a Help Request
When you receive a Help request from an Agent, your set emits a triple ring. HELP is displayed,
followed by the Extension number and name (if programmed) of the Agent requesting Help.
To respond to the Help request
1. Pick up your handset. Your set automatically goes into Silent Monitor mode and you hear the
conversation in progress. HELP disappears from your display, but the Extension number and
name (if programmed) remains displayed.
At any time during monitoring, you can either initiate a Conference, invoke Whisper Coach, or
exit from the Help mode.
To initiate a Conference, press the
key on your set. The display shows CONFERENCE
and Conference tone is sent to all parties in the call. You are now in Conference with the
Agent and any other callers they are speaking to. Or, in the case of Whisper Coach, your
conversation is with the Agent alone.
Note: Split allows you to break the conference and redirect the call to another party.
2. To exit from Help or Conference modes, hang up your telephone.
System Reporting Capabilities
The MiVoice Business system is capable of producing many reports that can be used as
management tools to study the effectiveness of the ACD operation. These reports may be
presented in a variety of ways based on the software package used to generate them.
The categories of reports that pertain to ACD are Real Time Events Records and Station
Message Detail Recordings (SMDR). It is beyond the scope of this guide to discuss these reports
in detail, but a brief description of them is included to summarize their intended use.
Time Events Records
Real Time Events Records are used to record the activity of the entire ACD operation, and are
available from the System Administrator. These records are divided into two groups: Call Events
and Group and Path Statistics Events. Call Events report on individual ACD Agent activity, while
Group and Path Statistics Events provide a cumulative report on Group and Path status.
Note: Real time events are not recorded for ACD Express Groups.
Call Events
As traditional and hot desk ACD Agent activities occur, a report is generated to show the
Work Timer Start Event: Indicates the start of the timer, for an agent’s set with Work Timer
programmed. Work timers are given only for answering ACD 2000 calls.
Work Timer End Event: Signifies the end of the Agent’s Work Timer, for both normal timer
expiration, and timer cancelled by Agent.