Default ASR and Non-ASR Voice Prompts
5000 Enterprise
Messaging and Basic Voice Mail Administrator Guide – Issue 3.1, December 2008 Page 43
571 All sent messages have been heard. N/A
572 Enter the destination mailbox. Say or enter the destination mailbox.
573 This mailbox has one unheard message. N/A
574 ...unheard messages. N/A
575 To append to the message, press two. To append the message, say “Append” or press
576 To leave a Voice Mail message, press one. To leave a Voice Mail message, say “Voice Mail”
or press one.
577 To make a return call, press two. To make a return call, say “Call Back” or press
578 Please hold while your call is being transferred to
an outside number.
579 Enter the number of the remote mailbox. Say or enter the number of the remote mailbox.
580 ... followed by pound (or hash). N/A
581 …has just listened to the original message. N/A
582 This mailbox has... N/A
583 - 586 Not used Not used
587 To hear the recipients, press three. To hear the recipients, say “Hear” or press three.
588 - 591 Not used Not used
592 I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to dial that number. N/A
593 Message received from an outside number with
no caller ID information.
594 I’m sorry. I do not have valid Caller ID informa-
595 …the network… N/A
596 Your call is being handled by the Mitel voice pro-
cessing system.
597 You have no new e-mails. N/A
598 ... new e-mails N/A
599 you have one new e-mail. N/A
600 ...saved e-mails. N/A
601 You have one saved e-mail. N/A
602 You have no new faxes. N/A
603 ... new faxes. N/A
604 You have one new fax. N/A
Table 4. Voice Prompts: Non-ASR and ASR (Continued)
Content (Non-ASR) Content (ASR)