3 “D” ; “E” ; “F” ; “3”
4 “G” ; “H” ; “I” ; “4”
5 “J” ; “K” ; “L” ; “5”
6 “M” ; “N” ; “O” ; “6”
7 “P” ; “Q” ; “R” ; “S” ; “7”
8 “T” ; “U” ; “V” ; “8”
9 “W” ; “X” ; “Y” ; “Z” ; “9”
* “.” ; “@” ; “_” ; ”-“ ; “,” ; “!” ; “?” ; “*” ; “’” ; “+” ; “$” ; “*”
0 “Space” ; “0”
# “#”
(2) Digit mode:
1 “1”
2 “2”
3 “3”
4 “4”
5 “5”
6 “6”
7 “7”
8 “8”
9 “9”
* “.”
0 “0”
● MUTE: Mute the voice of MIC and let others can’t hear from user in communication.
● PSTN: Press PSTN to switch IP-Phone as PSTN or IP Phone Mode. In PSTN mode,
“PSTN” characters will be displayed on LCD left bottom side, then users can dial out as
if standard telephone set in PSTN; in IP Phone mode, “PROXY ” characters will be
displayed on LCD left bottom side.
1. When IP-Phone is in PSTN mode, only PSTN and SPEAKER function key can work.
2. On LCD will display ”…Incoming Call... ” to inform user when IP-Phone has both IP
and PSTN side incoming calls.
3. If in communication with IP side, user can press HOLD to hold IP side, then press
PSTN to pick up PSTN side, after that can press HOLD again to retrieve IP side.
4. If in communication with PSTN side, user must hang up PSTN side before pick up IP