5. Network
1. Information
User can press Í or Î to check current network status:
● Mode: Display current network connection mode of IP-Phone to be Static
(Fixed IP), DHCP, or PPPoE.
When IP-Phone is under DHCP mode, then change to Static mode,
the following items: IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, will
display empty, after reboot, user can see information again.
● IP, Mask, Gateway: display current IP information.
2. Network Mode
Set network mode of IP-Phone to be Static (Fixed IP), DHCP, or PPPoE.
3. IP address
Set IP address of IP-Phone.
4. Subnet Mask:
Set subnet mask address of IP-Phone.
5. Default Gateway
Set default gateway address of IP-Phone.
6. Domain Name Server
Set IP address of Domain Name Server. Once IP-Phone can connect to DNS server,
user can set URL address for Proxy server or Phone book instead of IP address.
7. PPPoE Configuration
● User Name
Set PPPoE connection authentication user name.
● Password
Set PPPoE connection authentication password.
● Auto Re-connect
Choose ON or OFF to enable or disable this function. If user enables this
function, after PPPoE disconnected, IP-Phone will automatically reboot to
re-connect, and after reboot, if IP-Phone still can’t connect with server,