Chapter 6 Page 107
4. Tap the category that you want to assign the item.
5. Hold Option and press Return to finish.
Tip: If you turn on the Show Categories option in the To Do Show options dialog, you can tap
directly on the category in the To Do list to assign categories.
Checking off a To Do item
You can check off a To Do item to indicate that you’ve completed it. You can set To Do List to
record the date that you completed the To Do item, and you can choose to show or hide
completed items as described on page 107.
To check off a To Do item do one of the following:
■ Select the item and press Space to mark it complete.
■ Tap the check box on the left side of the item.
Tip: To uncheck the selected item, hold Option and press Space .
To Do Show Options
The Show Options dialog box enables you to control the appearance of the To Do list screen.
To change the Show Options settings:
1. In To Do list screen, tap Show.
2. Select any of the following settings:
To Do item