88 Rino
120 Owner’s Manual
The Games Page includes Memory Race, Waypoint
Bomber, Clothesline, Assimilation and Beast Hunt.
Highlight the appropriate icon and then press the Thumb
Stick In to play the desired game. Brief instructions are
displayed when you start each game. All players must be
on the same channel/squelch code to play.
Games Menu
Memory Race
Be the first to clear the board by matching all of the two
symbols sets together. Each symbol is in a square (you
can adjust the size) that you need to walk or travel to.
Once your position appears in a square, highlight Open at
the bottom of the screen and press the Thumb Stick In.
Play by yourself or race against others. Press Page to quit
at any time.
Memory Race
To adjust the Grid Size or Square Size:
1. Highlight the Grid Size or Square Size field and
press In on the Thumb Stick.
2. Choose the desired size and press In.
3. Highlight Start and press In to begin the game.