10 Rino
130 Owner’s Manual
Setting the Channel and Squelch Code
The Rino 130 has a total of 22 channels (not including
GMRS repeater channels) and 38 squelch codes to select
from using the Channel and Code fields. Channels 1–14
are for FRS, 15–22 are for GMRS channels (disabled
by default in U.S. units), and 15R–22R are for GMRS
repeater channels (U.S. units only, disabled by default).
To communicate with other Rino and FRS/GMRS users,
you must be on the same channel and squelch code.
Garmin Rino units work with 3rd party FRS/GMRS
radios, provided the other radios use standard FRS/
GMRS frequencies. A chart of Rino frequencies may be
found in the “Appendix.”
Squelch codes allow you to hear calls from only specific
persons. Thirty-eight (38) Squelch Codes (called
Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System or
allow your Rino 130 to ignore unwanted calls from other
persons using the same channel. Simply select the same
squelch code (number) as selected by the other person(s)
with which you will communicate.
Select from FRS 1–14, GMRS 15–22
(with GMRS enabled), and 15R–22R
GMRS repeater channels (with GMRS
and Repeater Channels enabled).
NOTE: Squelch codes do not cause your conversa-
tion to be private. They only allow you to filter out
other users on the same channel, so you only hear
the radios you want to hear. Squelch Codes are not a
scrambling system!