Using Phone Features and Functions 2-49
Chapter 2: Using the 24-Button Digital Phone
SBX IP 320 Phone User Guide
Pages must be made using the handset.
Note: Your station may or may not allow you to page (either internal or
external zone paging). However, even if you cannot initiate a page
from your station you may still answer a Meet-Me Page
announcement. Contact your System Administrator to find out if you
have any paging features available on your phone.
There are 4 ways to initiate a page: External Page, Internal Zone Page, All Call
(System) Page, and Meet-Me Page:
External Paging
You can send a page to an external paging and/or amplifier system (such as
out in a warehouse or outdoor area).
Internal Zone Paging
Also known as Paging Groups, Internal Zone Paging allows you to page a
particular group of phones (such as only those phones in the front office or
sales office areas).
Unlike the “External Paging” feature, Internal pages are made through the
speaker on each phone.
Each station in your phone system can be part of in any or all zones, or in no
zone at all. However, the capability of initiating a page does not rely on whether
or not you are part of a Paging Group. In addition, the reverse is true: being a
member of a Paging Group does not necessarily mean you can initiate a page
(see Note above).
Your system may also provide a “warning” tone to alert your group that a page
is about to be made.
Note: Internal Zone pages are time limited. If the user exceeds the allotted
paging time, the page is automatically disconnected.
All Call (or System) Page
You can send a page to every station within the phone system. A warming tone
may be programmed to sound to let users know that a page is about to be
made (such as when everyone is being called to a company-wide event or if
the receptionist cannot locate a specific user to take an urgent call).
Note: All Call Pages are time limited. If the user exceeds the allotted paging
time, the page is automatically disconnected.
(continued on next page)