destination within the unit.
All models have 18 digital mix-minus buses:
S–Z Buses: • These eight audio buses are line input mixer buses. They are used to route auxiliary audio, such
as from a CD player or VCR, to and from other units on the network. These buses are also used as mic mixer
buses when NOM count is not required.
I–R Buses• : These ten audio buses are generally used for routing microphone audio between Converge/
Converge Pro devices. Information about the number of gated microphones (NOM count) and other relevant
information for the microphone mixers are tracked for microphones routed to these buses. By default, all
microphones are routed to the O bus.
Process A–D (840T) and Process A–H (880, 880T, 880TA, 8i, SR 1212, SR 1212A) Routing
There are four processing channels on the Converge Pro 840T, eight on the 880, 880T, 880TA, 8i, and eight on
the Converge SR 1212 and SR 1212A. Processing channels enable you to apply filters, compression, delay, and
other processing settings to an input or a group of inputs, which can then be routed to a single output or group of
Cross Point Shortcut Menu
In addition to setting levels, the Cross Point Shortcut Menu (shown below) enables you to copy and paste the
configuration of the current cross point to other cross points. To access the shortcut menu, right-click anywhere in
the Center Pane of the Matrix screen.
Cross Point Level Control
To adjust the level for a cross point, right-click on the cross point and select Cross Point from the shortcut menu.
The Cross Point Attenuation slider appears. Move the slider or use the selector box to set the gain/attenuation
level in dB. The range is from -60 to 12dB in .5dB increments. The default is 0dB.
NOTE: Your changes are automatically saved when you close the slider.