Cisco Systems 7970 Series IP Phone User Manual

-88 OL-16993-01
line buttons 17
and call forwarding 35, 73
and call states 19
and using BLF 50
buttons for 17
description of 18
icons for 19
number of calls supported on 18, 79
ring patterns for 73
ring tones for 58
shared 46
switching between 32
text label for 73
viewing 20
voice message indicator setting for 73
logging out of hunt groups 46
Malicious Call Identification 51
Meet-Me conferences 40
menus, using 22
button 17
indicator for 58, 65
listening to 65
missed calls, records of 60
MLPP, using 52
multiparty calls
identifying in call logs 60, 61
viewing details of 60, 61
multiple calls, handling 32
mute button 18
mute, using 32
navigation button 18
network configuration data, locating 81
on-hook dialing 25
online help, using 23
using from web page 67
using on phone 63
password, changing 72
Personal Address Book, see PAB
Personal Directory
using from web page 67
using on phone 63
phone lines
buttons for 17
description of 18
viewing 20
phone services
configuring 67
see also User Options web pages
phone tab 20
PIN, changing 72