Using handwriting input (smARTwriter)
FIVA comes with smARTwriter handwriting recognition software. You
can find detailed information about all of the features and functions in
the online help that is available while smARTwriter is running. The
following explains of smARTwriter Plus Ver.3.5.
smARTwriter is a pre-installed handwriting recognition application that
lets you input text into an active application, launch applications,
open documents and more by writing with the stylus directly on the
FIVA screen.
Writing on any part of the FIVA screen creates “electronic ink,” which
is then recognized and interpreted by smARTwriter. Finally, the results
are sent to the active application as if they were typed using a
How does it work?
“Electronic ink” appears as you write on the FIVA screen. When a
timeout occurs (when you lift the pen for a certain time interval),
smARTwriter passes the recognized output to the active application.
The recognition process is performed by comparing the symbols you
write against a set of defined smARTwriter symbols. This set of
symbols is called a Library. The Library contains shapes of letters,
digits, punctuation marks, etc.
The Library can contain more than one version of a letter or symbol.
The letter “G,” for example may be written as shown below:
smARTwriter has a generic library containing common handwriting
styles for characters, so your handwriting probably will be easily
recognized the first time you use smARTwriter.
Training smARTwriter
Training lets you teach smARTwriter your own handwriting style,
which improves the recognition rate. You can train smARTwriter using
any of the methods listed below.
• Quick Trainer. This is an automatic tool for adding letter models to
the Library (page 48).
• On-the-spot training. You can correct a recognition error whenever
one occurs.