[ 7 ]
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggiinngg ccoonnttaaccttss
TToo mmaaiinnttaaiinn aa ggoooodd cchhaarrggee,, iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo cclleeaann tthhee bbaatttteerryy ccoonnttaaccttss oonn tthhee
hhaannddsseett aanndd bbaassee uunniitt wwiitthh aa ddrryy ccllootthh oorr aa ppeenncciill eerraasseerr aabboouutt oonnccee aa mmoonntthh..
DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy lliiqquuiiddss oorr ssoollvveennttss..
CC.. CCoonnnneecctt tthhee bbaassee uunniitt
1)Connect the AC adapter to the
jack and a standard 120V AC wall
2)Set the base on a desk or tabletop, and place the handset on the base
unit as shown. Remove the beltclip, if attached for face up charging.
(For wall mounting, see "Mounting the Base Unit on a Wall", on page 9.)
3)Raise the antenna to a vertical position.
4)Make sure the
LED lights. If the LED does not light, check to see
that the AC adapter is plugged in and the handset makes good contact
with the base charging contacts.
• Use only the supplied AD-420 AC adapter. Do not use any other AC adapter.
• Connect the AC adapter to a continuous power supply.
• Place the base unit close to the AC outlet so that you can unplug the AC
adapter easily.
•After installing the battery pack in the handset, charge your handset at least
1155--2200 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinnttoo tthhee pphhoonnee lliinnee
. Once the handset battery pack is
fully charged, connect the telephone line cord to the base and telephone
wall outlet.
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