Uniden EXAI2980 Cordless Telephone User Manual

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Note on Power Sources
Nickel-cadmium cells are used in the battery
pack. Please take your used nickel-cadmium
battery packs to a store that recycles nickel-
cadmium batteries.
BBaatttteerryy rreeppllaacceemmeenntt aanndd hhaannddlliinngg
When the operating time becomes short, even after a battery is
recharged, please replace the battery.
With normal usage, your battery should last about one year.
Please contact your place of purchase or the Uniden Parts
Department for a replacement battery.
WWhheenn sslliigghhttllyy ddiirrttyy
Wipe with a soft, dry cloth.
WWhheenn vveerryy ddiirrttyy
Wipe with a soft cloth that has been dampened with diluted,
neutral detergent. Dry with a dry cloth.
WWhheenn tthhee cchhaarrggiinngg tteerrmmiinnaallss bbeeccoommee ddiirrttyy
Wipe with a dry cloth or a pencil eraser, if necessary.
PPoowweerr FFaaiilluurree
During the period
that the power is
off, you will not be
able to make or
receive calls with
the telephone.
Use the specified battery pack.
Do not remove the battery from the handset to charge it.
Never throw the battery into a fire, disassemble it, or heat it.
Do not remove or damage the battery casing.
Do not use paint thinner, benzene,
alcohol, or other chemical products.
Doing so may discolor the surface of
the telephone and damage the finish.
General Information
The phone complies with FCC Parts 15 and 68.
Operating temperature: 0
° to 50°C (+32°F to +122°F)
AACC AAddaapptteerr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
AC Adapter part number: AD-420
Input Voltage: 120V AC 60Hz
Output Voltage: 9V DC 350 mA
BBaatttteerryy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Battery part number: BT-905
Capacity: 600 mAH, 3.6V
Battery use time (per charge)
From fully charged
Talk mode duration: 7 hours
Standby mode duration: 14 days
If the handset is left off of the base, the actual
Talk mode duration will be reduced respective to
the amount of time the handset is off the base.
Recharge your phone on a regular basis by returning the
handset to the base after each phone call. When the
operating time becomes short, even after the battery is
recharged, please replace the battery. With normal usage,
the battery should last about one year.
Replacement batteries may be purchased at your local
Uniden dealer or by contacting the Uniden Parts Department
(800) 554-3988. Hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Central Time, Monday through Friday. We can also be
reached on the web at www.uniden.com
Specifications, features, and availability of optional
accessories are all subject to change without prior notice.
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