Read this First
SStteepp 11
Unpack the telephone and accessories.
SStteepp 22
((ppaaggee 55))
Next, choose the best location to set
up the base unit.
SStteepp 33
((ppaaggee 66 ttoo 88))
Then, insert the battery pack into
the handset. Connect the base unit.
You must charge the battery pack for
1155--2200 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinnttoo
tteelleepphhoonnee lliinnee aanndd uussiinngg tthhee pphhoonnee
This cordless telephone must be set up before use. Follow these steps:
SStteepp 44
((ppaaggee 1100))
Finally, set the Caller ID options and store
your area code in the memory to use the
Caller ID service.
Skip the area code setting if your
calling area requires 10-digit dialing.
Checking the Package Contents
BBaassee uunniitt
AACC aaddaapptteerr
TTeelleepphhoonnee ccoorrdd
Uniden Parts Department at (800) 554-3988
Hours: M-F 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. We can also be reached
on the web at
Make sure you have received the following items in the package.
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the Uniden
Parts Department.
AAllssoo iinncclluuddeedd::
• This Owner’s Manual
• Quick Reference Guide
• Precautions and Important Safety
Instructions /Warranty Information
• Other printed Material
WWaallll MMoouunntt
BBeelltt cclliipp
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