To configure a Windows XP/Windows 2000 computer and SX5 to work together, follow these steps.
1. Connect your computer and the SX5 with a Telular USB cable (part #1L01A043 or
81025901) or serial cable (part #1L01A042 or 81025801).
2. If you are using a USB cable, install the Telular USB drivers from the included CD.
3. Set the SX5’s data port type (MENU > 6: Data Settings > 1: Data Port Type) and set
its baud rate (MENU > 6: Data Settings > 2: Baud Rate) to 115200 (19200 when faxing)
4. Install the SX5 as a new modem by opening the
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Phone and Modem Options -> Modems Tab
5. Click on "Add…"
SX5 CDMA 21 User Manual