1. Press [USER FILE] to open the application.
2. Press [MENU], select INDEX ITEMS.
The INDEX ITEM window appears.
3. In INDEX 1 field, press [ ] to select the
field name that you want it to be displayed
in the first field of the Index mode and the
sorting key.
If the desired fields are not all displayed,
use [PREV] and [NEXT] to scroll between pages.
4. Press [ ] or [NEXT] and use the same
methods to enter INDEX 2.
5. Press [ ] or [NEXT] and set INDEX 3.
6. Press [ENTER] when you have finished (or
[CANCEL] to cancel the changes).
The Index view reappears with the entries sorted
by Name.
The User File application menu
Opens the CATEGORY
window so you can edit
category names.
Edits the File name (see
Edits the field names (see
Modifies the Index display
and the Index sort order
(see p.44).
Selects the specific entries
for deletion (see p.27)