4 Working with Organizer Link 4
4.1 The user interface
4.1.1 Summary
When the program is started, Organizer Link 4 initially displays the user interface (main window).
The main elements of this window are the application bar (left-hand side), which corresponds to
the application buttons on your SHARP Organizer, and the application window which corresponds
to the display on your Organizer. Organizer Link 4 adapts the application window to the specific
functions of the respective application.
Data is entered and edited in editor windows, the structure of which is also adapted to the application
selected. Settings and selection processes are performed via dialogue boxes.
In order to give you an impression of the operation of the user interface, the general functions will
be described first. Application-dependent elements and individual important functions of Organizer
link 4 such as data backup will then be explained using examples.
4.1.2 Elements of the user interface
Title bar
In the main window the top line, the title bar, shows the current file name and path in
addition to the active application. In the editor windows and dialogue boxes, a brief description
of the function of the respective window appears.
Menu bar
The menu bar is located immediately below the title bar. the individual menus provide access
to all the functions and dialogue boxes in the program.
Menu options used as switches (e.g. the menu option ‘Status bar’ in the ‘View’ menu) display
a tick next to them when they are activated. The switch is used to determine whether or not
the status bar should be displayed.
Main menu bar
This menu bar is used to access functions for overall control of the program (e.g. load, save,
print, transfer etc.) and functions relating to entire data ranges (appointments, telephone
database etc.).
Editor menu bar
The editor menu whose functions mainly affect individual records in a data range is only
display when an editor window is open.
The toolbar (if it is activated) is located at the top of the window immediately below the
menu bar. It can be activated or deactivated in the ‘View’ menu. The main functions are
Organizer Link 4