Installation OfficeServ Link Version 2.1 User Guide
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Page 11
System Administration Requirements
Users must be logged on with an Administrator privileges to install and run this program
successfully. Administrators have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain.
The Link installation process is provided in a single installation program. Execute
LinkSetup.exe, and then the Link installation program will run automatically.
Note You have to install the Link program to use the CTI applications of the OfficeServ or iDCS
telephone systems. OfficeServ Call / CallPlus, OfficeServ Operator, EasySet, and Internet Call
Center Package, which are programs using the CTI application functions of DCS Key telephone
system, may utilize the switching function through all the Link. Before using those programs, you
have to install the Link.
Install the Link program as follows:
1. Execute LinkSetup.exe, the Link installation program, and the following dialog box will
appear on the screen.
Click on the [Next] button.