Linksys SPA932 Telephone User Manual

Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 75
Vertical Service Announcement Codes
Setting Regional Parameters
SA_map syntax:
SA_serv is the name of service plus the current condition;
SA_extcode is the extension code which the ANNC server will route to.
Appendix: SA_serv list
1) Call Back
CBT: Call back enabled
CBF: Call back disabled
CBB: Call back busy enabled
2) Call Forward
FAT: Call forward all enabled
FAF: Call forward all disabled
FBT: Call forward busy enabled
FBF: Call forward busy disabled
FNT: Call forward no answer enabled
FNF: Call forward no answer disabled
FLT: Call forward last enabled
FLF: Call forward last disabled
3) Call Waiting
CWT: Call waiting enabled
CWF: Call waiting disabled
4) Block Last Call
BLT: Block last call enabled
BLF: Block last call disabled
5) Accept Last Call
ALT: Accept last call enabled
ALF: Accept last call disabled
6) Block Caller ID
BCT: Block caller id enabled
BCF: Block caller id disabled
7) Distinctive Ringing
DRT: Distinctive ringing enabled
DRF: Distinctive ringing disabled
8) Speed Dial
SDT: Speed dial enabled
SDF: Speed dial disabled
9) Secure Call
SCT: Secure call enabled
SCF: Secure call disabled
10) Do Not Disturb
DDT: DND enabled
DDF: DND disabled
11) Caller ID
CDT: Caller ID enabled
CDF: Caller ID disabled
12) CW CID
WDT: CWCID enabled
WDF: CWCID disabled
13) Block Anonymous call
BAT: Block anonymous call enabled
BAF: Block anonymous call disabled