Linksys SPA932 Telephone User Manual

Table of Contents
Linksys SPA9x2 Administration Guide 4
Ring Tone Parameters 93
Managing Ring Tones 93
Audio Input Gain (dB) and Extension Mobility Settings 94
Using Extension Mobility 95
Extension Mobility Notes 95
Chapter 8: Customizing SPA9x2 Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
General, Shared Line Appearance, and NAT Settings 96
General Parameter Notes 96
Share Line Appearance Notes 96
NAT Settings Notes 97
Network Settings and SIP Settings 98
Network Settings Notes 98
SIP Settings Notes 98
Call Feature Settings 100
Call Feature Notes 100
Proxy and Registration Parameters 101
Configuring a SIP Proxy Server 102
Subscriber Information Parameters 103
Subscriber Information Notes 103
Audio Configuration Parameters 103
Audio Configuration Notes 105
Dial Plan Parameters 106
Dial Plan Notes 107
Chapter 9: Customizing Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Call Forward and Speed Dial Parameters 109
Call Forward Notes 109
Supplementary Services 110
Supplementary Services Notes 110
Setting RSS Newsfeeds on the SPA962 Phone 110
Web Information Service Settings (SPA962 Only) 111
Web Information Service Notes 111
Traffic Information Settings 112
Audio Volume Settings 112
Audio Volume Notes 112
Phone LCD Notes 112
Phone GUI Color Settings (SPA962 Only) 113
Chapter 10: Using the SPA932 Sidecar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Setting Up the SPA932 Sidecar 115
Configuring the SPA9000 for the SPA932 116
Configuring the Broadsoft Server for the SPA932 116
Configuring the Asterisk Server for the SPA932 117
Configuring the SPA932 117
Unit/Key Configuration Scripts 119
Completing the Configuration 120
SPA932 Parameter Notes 120
Monitoring the SPA932 121