Linksys SPA932 Telephone User Manual

Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 74
Vertical Service Announcement Codes
Setting Regional Parameters
Vertical Service Announcement Notes
Following is an example of how you can use these fields.
[Line1/2]<Service Announcement Serv> = Yes
[Regional]<Service Annc Base Number> = {announcement server base number}
[Regional]<Service Annc Extension Codes> = {SAEC Script}
SAEC Script format:{SA_map;}* Here * means 0 or multiple
<Service Annc Base Number> = 1234
<Service Annc Extension Codes>=
Here CWT: Call waiting service enabled;
CWF: Call waiting service disabled;
FAT: Call forward all service enabled;
FAF: Call forward all service disabled;
FBT: Call forward busy service enabled;
FBF: Call forward busy service disabled;
FNT: Call forward no answer enabled;
FNF: Call forward no answer disabled;
When the user enables call waiting service, the SPA9x2 automatically calls:
When the user disables the call waiting service, SPA9x2 connects to
If the <Service Annc Extension Codes> do not define CWT/CWF extension codes, the
SPA9x2 defaults to normal.
When the user enables the callback service using the *code, the SPA9x2 automatically calls
When the user disables the callback service using the *code, the SPA9x2 automatically
connects to the “123401@$proxy.”
If the Service Annc Extension Codes do not define CBT/CBF extension codes, the SPA9x2 does
not use this feature.