Technical Reference
Table 27. I/O Map (continued)
Address (hex) Size Description
0377, bits 6:0 7 bits Secondary IDE channel status port
0378 - 037F 8 bytes LPT 1
0388 - 038B 6 bytes AdLib
(FM synthesizer)
03CC 1 byte Video (VGA)
03CE - 03CF 2 bytes Video (VGA)
03D4 - 03D5 2 bytes Video (VGA)
03DA 1 byte Video (VGA)
03E8 - 03EF 8 bytes COM3
03F0 - 03F5 6 bytes Diskette channel 1
03F6 1 byte Primary IDE channel command port
03F8 - 03FF 8 bytes COM1
One of these ranges:
0530 - 0537
0E80 - 0E87
0F40 - 0F47
8 bytes Windows Sound System
0800 - 087F Desktop board resources
LPTn + 400h 8 bytes ECP port, LPTn base address + 400h
0CF8 - 0CFB* 4 bytes PCI configuration address register
0CF9** 1 byte Turbo and reset control register
0CFC - 0CFF 4 bytes PCI configuration data register
EF00 - EF3F 64 bytes Windows Sound System
FFA0 - FFA7 8 bytes Primary bus master IDE registers
FFA8 - FFAF 8 bytes Secondary bus master IDE registers
Starting on a 64-byte
divisible boundary
64 contiguous bytes Onboard audio controller
* Dword access only
** Byte access only