Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0 17
Answering a Call
You can answer a call by simply pressing the Off-hook button, or you can use other options if they are
available on the conference station.
If you want to... Then... For more information, see...
Switch from a connected
call to answer a new call
Press Answer Using Hold and Resume,
page 17
Answer a call on hold Highlight the appropriate call, and then
press Resume
Using Hold and Resume,
page 17
Send a call to your voice
messaging system
Press iDivert Accessing Voice Messages,
page 36
Auto-connect calls Use AutoAnswer Using AutoAnswer, page 28
Retrieve a parked call on
another conference
Use Call Park Storing and Retrieving Parked
Calls, page 25
Use the conference station
to answer a call ringing
Use Call Pickup Picking Up a Redirected Call
on Your Conference Station,
page 24
Ending a Call
There are two ways to end a call.
If you want to... Then...
Hang up your current call Press or EndCall.
Hang up one call, but preserve another
call on the same line
Press EndCall. If necessary, remove the call from hold first.
Using Hold and Resume
You can hold and resume calls.
If you want to... Then...
Put a call on hold 1. Make sure the call you want to put on hold is highlighted.
2. Press Hold.
Remove a call from hold 1. Make sure the appropriate call is highlighted.
2. Press Resume.