4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator’s Guide
Document Organization
Document Organization 1
The guide contains the following sections:
Change History 1
Chapter 1, Introduction
Provides an overview of the 4600 Series IP Telephone
Administrator’s document.
Chapter 2, Overview of Voice
over IP (VoIP)
Describes VoIP and factors influencing its performance that
must be considered when implementing this feature.
Chapter 3, Requirements
Describes the hardware and software requirements for Avaya’s
VoIP offering.
Chapter 4, Server
Describes the administration of DHCP and TFTP for the 4600
Series IP Telephones.
Chapter 5, Troubleshooting
Describes messages that may occur during the operation of the
4600 Series IP Telephones.
Appendix A, Avaya - 46xx IP
Telephone MIB
Provides the MIB specification for the 46xx IP Telephones
(4606, 4612, 4624, and 4630).
Appendix B, Creating
Websites for the 4630 IP
Provides information on creating and customizing websites for
viewing on the 4630 IP Telephone. Also describes the current
capabilities and limitations of the 4630’s web browser.
Appendix C, Creating
Websites for the 4620 IP
Provides information on creating and customizing websites for
viewing on the 4620 IP Telephone. Also describes the current
capabilities and limitations of the 4620’s web browser.
Issue 1.0 This document was issued for the first time in November 2000.
Issue 1.1 This version of the document, revised and issued in April 2001,
supports through DEFINITY
Release 9.
Issue 1.5 This version of the document was revised in June, 2001 to
support DEFINITY
Release 9.5.
Issue 1.6 This version of the document was revised to support DEFINITY
Release 10 and the 4630 IP Telephone.
Issue 1.7 This is the current version of this document, revised to support
Release 11 and the 4602 and 4620 IP