AT&T Telephone Adapter Telephone User Manual

I have DSL and I
cannot access my
TA setup Web page.
1. First check to ensure you have an up to date browser.
You will need IE 5.5 or higher on Windows, IE 5.X on Mac OS 9
or OS X, or Apple Safari 1.0 or higher on Mac OS X.
2. Power all devices down. Leave them off for at least 15
minutes. Power up your cable/DSL modem and wait until all
appropriate indicator lights are lit. Power up your TA
by plugging it into a power outlet. Power up your router (if you
have one). Turn on your computer(s).
3. If you still cannot access the TA setup Web page you may
need to perform a hard reset of your TA to restore it to its
factory settings. To do this, power all devices down and unplug
your cable/DSL modem and home router. Follow the power-
up sequence above, but when powering up the TA, HOLD
down the reset button on the back of the TA WHILE you power
up the box, then HOLD the reset button down for about 10
I have DSL and am
getting the message
“can’t connect to
the Internet” even
though I can see the
This is likely because your DSL provider installed communica-
tions software on your computer that is no longer used to
connect to the Internet.
Contact your DSL provider for assistance in deinstalling or re
configuring this software, and to see if you need to update your
browser settings.
I am connected via
a home router and
my real time/gaming
applications are not
working correctly.
Your home router acts as a NAT (Network Address
Translation) device. After installing the TA, there are now
two NAT devices connected to each other. All Internet traffic
is now going through double NAT. This is not a problem for
most applications, but some, especially real time gaming
applications, will not work correctly.
To eliminate double NAT, use the home router as a switch
by connecting the TA’s Ethernet port to the home router’s
LAN (Ethernet) port, instead of the WAN port. This way NAT
functions are bypassed in the home router and Internet traffic
is only passing through single NAT (that of the TA). A crossover
cable may have to be used between the TA and router.