
6806800H62B ATCAS201InstallationandUseGuide138
Table 71 Connector J30, RTM Power Pin Signal Descriptions
PS1# Active low RTM present signal. PS1# shall be pulled up to 3.3V Management Power on the
ATCA blade. PS0# (Connector P33) and PS1# (Connector P30) shall be connected through a
diode on the RTM, exactly as defined in AMC.0 specification. PS1# is last mate on Power
connector and PS0# is on the opposite end of the set of connectors. Logic low on PS1#
indicates that RTM is present and fully inserted
IPMI_SCL_L IPMI bus clock signal, as defined in AMC.0 specification. The RTM shall have a pull-up resistor
for this signal as indicated in AMC.0specification.
IPMI_SDA_L IPMI bus data signal, as defined in AMC.0 specification. The RTM shall have a pull-up resistor
for this signal as indicated in AMC.0 specification.
12VPP 12V Payload Power, enabled after successful E-keying, as outlined in the AMC.0 specification.
RTM must meet requirements posted for payload power in AMC specification
3.3V_MP 3.3V Management Power. RTM must meet requirements posted for management power in
AMC.0 specification.
Shelf_GND Frame/Chassis Safety Ground
Logic_GND (Logic 0vdc). Logic Ground- Common return for Management Power Payload Power, reference
potential for single ended logic signaling, and shielding for differential pair signals in the AMC