DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
Step 6 Order the operating system and application software, as needed.
Deploying a MSCS environment:
• Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition (includes Microsoft Cluster Server)
QTY Item
2 Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition
Deploying a DCNT environment:
• Windows NT Server 4.0 (required for each server)
• Windows NT Service Pack 3 (required for each server)
• DCNT* v1.1 SP2
QTY Item Part number
1* DCNT v1.1 SP2 QB-53V9A-SA*
2 Windows NT Server, Standard
Edition 4.0
Provided with selected Alpha-based DIGITAL
Servers if ordered from Compaq
2 Windows NT Server, Standard
Edition 4.0 Service Pack 3
Provided with selected Alpha-based DIGITAL
Servers if ordered from Compaq
Download from http://www.microsoft.com
*DCNT is included, at no additional charge, in the FR-CK450-RP/RR Cluster Kits; otherwise,
you must order DCNT separately using part number QB-53V9A-SA.
Note: Both Custom Systems and our resellers offer operating system installation services.
Cluster Quick Start
This is a reprint of the new Cluster Quick Start, a high-level, generic overview of the installation and
configuration of two-node clusters on Windows NT. Look for the Cluster Quick Start in upcoming
Cluster Kits.
Whether you are using DIGITAL Clusters for Windows NT or Microsoft Cluster Server to create a highly-
available computing environment, the installation consists of many hardware and software components
and procedures. To get you started, the Cluster Quick Start provides a high level, generic overview of the
cluster installation and configuration process using a RAID Array and two servers. These instructions
include general steps for both DIGITAL Clusters for Windows NT and Microsoft Cluster Server and
includes pointers to resources for detailed instructions. This overview does not replace the installation and
configuration instructions provided in your software and hardware documentation.
Step 1 Unpack the Hardware and Software
§ Unpack the Cluster Kit.
§ Unpack and setup the new servers.
§ Unpack the RAID Array and hard disks.