DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
Ordering Ready-to-Go Clusters
You can order the DIGITAL Server 7305HA with either:
• Microsoft NT 4.0 and DCNT: C*-NAEKN-1** (No country kit)
• Microsoft Enterprise Edition : C*-NBEKN-1** and Country Kit 2*-CK004-AA/AP/AG/AS/AJ
Ready-to-Go Clusters Contacts
If you have questions about Ready-to-Go Clusters, please contact:
Product Manager: Ernie Crocker DTN: 264-3992, (603) 884-3992
Marketing Manager: Mary Lee DTN: 264-4995, (603) 884-4995
Sales Manager: Alan Padula DTN: 264-3709, (603) 884-3709
Multivendor Customer Services for Windows NT
and Windows NT Clusters
Whether your customers are implementing Windows NT servers and clusters at the same time, or adding
clustering capabilities to their existing Windows NT domains, Installation and Startup Services are
tailored to meet their needs.
Windows NT Installation and Startup packages are modular by design, so you can choose the level of
work that is right for your customer's environment -- no matter how simple or complex. The complete
Base Service Package includes Windows NT Server software installation and protocol installation, as well
as the creation of user accounts and the integration of PC clients, plus initial printer and fileshare setup. If
your customers prefer, they can purchase varying components of this Base Service Package. Additional
startup services, such as domain creation, NetWare Environment Resource Server or RAS Server
configuration, are also available to support more complex installations.
Windows NT Base Service Package is designed to support the most frequently required installation and
startup services for the straightforward installation of Windows NT Server software. In two days or less,
your Windows NT Server operating system will be setup and ready to communicate with essential
networks, printers, and clients. Base Service Package components include:
• Windows NT Server Operating System Install - Windows NT specialists will install the operating
system and configure up to three network protocols from the Windows NT default protocol set --
• Windows NT Server Account Creation - This component supports the creation of ten accounts and
user profiles as well as the creation of Home directories, plus the configuration of account policies for
those accounts.
• Windows NT Server Client Configuration - You can have up to five previously-networked PC clients
configured into your customer's Windows NT Server environment. Client accounts are created on the
server and necessary protocols are configured. Plus, a single server-based fileshare is mapped to the
clients, with the addition of access to a single server-based printer.
• Windows NT Server Local Printer Installation - One local printer on Microsoft's Windows NT
Hardware Compatibility List will be integrated with your customer's server. Drivers for other
platforms are installed on the server to enable access to the locally connected printer. Text page print
outs and client access verification services are also provided.