
DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
FR-CK450-RR- RA450 Rackmount DIGITAL Server Cluster Kit
Original Part Number Qty Description
SWXRA-W4 1 RAID Array 450 24 SBB Rackmount Storage Subsystem
Includes: HSZ50 6 channel controller, tri-link with
terminator, 32MB write back cache expandable to 64MB or
128MB, single cache battery in SBB with cable, 24 SBB wide
SCSI cabinet for wide or narrow disk drives, 5 shelf power
supplies optionally expandable to 8, 8 fans for fully redundant
cooling, 5M host to controller cable, serial line assembly with
adapters, environmental monitoring unit, controller to
controller link cable for redundant controllers, Metric
rackmount kit for storage SW800 cabinet
QB-5JCAE-SA 1 RA450/HSZ50 Controller software kit for Windows NT/Intel
Includes: PCMCIA card with RA450/HSZ50 controller
software, SWCC software, controller documentation, CLI and
platform-specific documentation and software licenses
Includes: software, documentation and licenses for 2 servers
and unlimited clients
FR-PCTAZ-FB 2 Adaptec 2944UW Differential Ultra Wide SCSI controller
SWDKT-DD 1 Cluster Enabling Kit
(Windows NT Alpha Cluster Documentation)
Includes: 2 Y-cables, 1 differential SCSI cable, cluster
installation and configuration documentation, 2 terminators,
updated RAID management software and licenses
BA35X-RJ 1 BA355 RETMA Mounting kit
FR-PCSRA-EA 4 RA450 mounting angles for NTSBU rack*
FR-DE500-BA 2 PCI to Fast Ethernet 10/100 UTP adapter with DECCHIP
BN24Q-07 1 Crossover UTP cable (for private network)
QB-4QYAA-SA 1 ServerWORKS Manager 3.x
*Only needed for the older Rittal rack, which does not come with angle brackets.
Note: FR-CK450-RR does not include the DIGITAL Server rack or associated mounting components
for rackmounting DIGITAL Servers. Rather, the RA450 Rackmount Cluster Kit includes all of
the components necessary to add the RA450 into an 800mm or 900mm RETMA rack to build a
cluster with two rackmounted DIGITAL Servers (the servers, disks, rack and additional rack
components must be obtained separately).