DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
Note: HSOF firmware version 5.1 or greater (for the HSZ50 controller or RA450) is required for 9 GB
disk support. This firmware is included in the Cluster Kit.
The RA450 Cluster Kit also includes DCNT, and only supports Intel-based DIGITAL Servers.
However, you can order the following parts to build a version of the RA450 Cluster Kit that supports
Alpha-based DIGITAL Servers:
• RAID Array 450 24 SBB Office Enclosure Storage Subsystem (DS-SWXRA-W0)
• Two PCI to Fast Ethernet 10/100 UTP adapter with DECCHIP 21143 (FR-DE500-BA)
• Two Adaptec 2944UW Differential Ultra Wide SCSI controller (FR-PCTAZ-FB)
• Crossover UTP cable for private network (BN24Q-07)
• Cable assembly (FR-BN38C-02)
• DCNT (QB-53V9A-SA)
FR-CK450-RP - RA450 Pedestal DIGITAL Server Cluster Kit
Original Part Number Qty Description
SWXRA-W0 1 RAID Array 450 24 SBB Office Enclosure Storage Subsystem.
Includes: HSZ50 6 channel controller, tri-link with
terminator, 32MB write back cache expandable to 64MB or
128MB, single cache battery in SBB with cable, 24 SBB wide
SCSI cabinet for wide or narrow disk drives, 5 shelf power
supplies optionally expandable to 8, 8 fans for fully redundant
cooling, 5M host to controller cable, serial line assembly with
adapters, environmental monitoring unit, controller to
controller link cable for redundant controllers
QB-5JCAE-SA 1 RA450/HSZ50 Controller software kit for Windows NT/Intel.
Includes: PCMCIA card with RA450/HSZ50 controller
software, SWCC software, controller documentation, CLI and
platform-specific documentation and software licenses
Includes: software, documentation and licenses for 2 servers
and unlimited clients
FR-PCTAZ-FB 2 Adaptec 2944UW Differential Ultra Wide SCSI controller
FR-DE500-BA 2 PCI to Fast Ethernet 10/100 UTP adapter with DECCHIP
SWDKT-DD 1 Cluster Enabling Kit
(Windows NT Alpha Cluster Documentation)
Includes: 2 Y-cables, 1 differential SCSI cable, cluster
installation and configuration documentation, 2 terminators,
updated RAID management software and licenses
BN24Q-07 1 Crossover UTP cable (for private network)
QB-4QYAA-SA 1 ServerWORKS Manager 3.x