DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
Gold Support for Windows NT provides the highest levels of responsiveness and problem-resolution
capabilities, designed specifically for business-critical environments.
This service increases responsiveness and expedites problem resolution by routing critical service
requests directly to a dedicated Gold Support Team and ensuring comprehensive problem
management by a high-level, named Technical Account Manager. The team is available around the
clock to give your customer's critical calls the highest priority within the Customer Support Center
(CSC), providing continuous effort until the problem is resolved. The service also features electronic
access to resources and proactive software support.
It includes all of the features of Silver Support for Windows NT and adds highly personalized
services, including:
− A named Technical Account Manager who serves as your customer's single point of contact at
our Customer Support Center and oversees technical support
− A dedicated Gold Support Team staffed by Microsoft-trained and certified specialists to provide
top-priority response for your customer's critical calls around the clock
− Callbacks within 30 minutes for critical calls, plus continuous effort
− Electronic access for submitting routine or non-critical service requests, exchanging files,
searching the software product databases, and receiving software patches
− Proactive software support, including information on newly released patches and updates, plus
upgrade impact planning
− Multivendor support that covers the full range of products on the Supported Products List
− System Healthcheck to identify performance or security issues.
Compaq offers additional services that complement Gold Support and help create a comprehensive
support solution for Windows NT environments.
− System Management Support provides the services of a specialist to complement System
Healthcheck service.
− On-Site/Per Event Services provides access to over 1,500 Microsoft Certified Systems
Engineers (MCSEs) to address difficult or specialized challenges.
− Installation & Start-Up provides most of the basic installation and start-up work for Windows
NT environments.
For more information on Gold Support for Windows NT, go to:
Internal Web Link: http://www-amcs.shr.dec.com/mkt/Svc_gold.html
External Web Link: http://www.digital.com/services/mcs/mcs_sntgold.htm
• System Health Check for Windows NT
System Healthcheck is the quickest, most cost-effective way to identify security and performance
problems -- before they affect your customer's critical business operations.
Advanced, expert system-based tools are used to collect information on your customer's system or
LAN configuration. The collected data is analyzed against accepted practices, and the findings --
together with recommendations for corrective action -- are documented in a summary report. A
technical specialist reviews and discusses these findings with your customer.
For more information on System Health Check for Windows NT, go to:
External Web Link: http://www.digital.com/info/services/mcs/mcs_srvhcheck.htm