DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
DCNT solution allows for dual active server operation, it is recommended that both servers be capable
of handling the combined workloads of the two servers, as would occur during a failover operation.
This should be taken into account when determining which servers are clustered together. For
example, a DIGITAL Server 1200 handling file/print services should not be paired with a DIGITAL
Server 7100 database server, handling near-capacity workloads.
Each server must have at least one internal hard disk. This disk is required for the installation of the
operating system, cluster, and application software. However, this disk is not part of the shared
storage, so it cannot be failed over.
Neither DCNT nor MSCS support mixed architecture (Intel and Alpha) in the same cluster.
For a list of supported hardware for DCNT, see the Supported DCNT Hardware section.
For a list of supported hardware for MSCS, go to:
For the latest information on the status of our Microsoft Cluster Server qualification and
certification efforts, go to:
• Disk Drives
Drives must be ordered separately.
Note: The drives for the DIGITAL Servers and the DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits are different. The
drives differ in capacity, geometry and firmware levels, and are not interchangeable. These
drives are not supported in the system or in the BA356 stand-alone. They are supported in all
Cluster Kits (including the BA356 Cluster Kit). They are not supported anywhere connected to
the FR-PCTAR (Mylex) controllers.
For DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits, supported drives include:
Part Number Capacity Notes
FR- or DS-RZ1BB-VW 2.1GB at 7200 rpm
Ultra Wide SCSI drive SBB
Will be available through December 1998, no
FR- or DS-RZ1CB-VW 4.29GB at 7200 rpm
Ultra Wide SCSI drive SBB
Will be available through September 1998,
replaced by DS-RZ1CF-VW
FR- or DS-RZ1CD-VW 4GB at 10000 rpm
Ultra Wide SCSI drive SBB
9.1GB at 7200 rpm
Ultra Wide SCSI drive SBB
DS-RZ1DF-VW replaced DS-RZ1DB-VW
DS-RZ1EF-VA 18.2 GB at 7200 rpm
Fast Narrow
Supported on the RA450, RA7000, and
DS-RZ1EF-VW 18.2 GB at 7200 rpm
Ultra SCSI
Supported on the RA450, RA7000, and
• LAN Network Connection
For the cluster to provide services to its clients, both servers and clients must be on a LAN. These
guidelines assume that the components required for this are already in place, for example Network