DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
• Windows NT Server Fileshare Creation - This service component includes the formatting and
partitioning of one previously-installed 9.0 or less GB disk drive, plus the creation and setup of one
fileshare on the local disk, which is physically installed in the server. Then up to five previously
networked PC clients are configured by mapping them to the new server-based fileshare.
For more information on Installation and Startup Services for Windows NT Clusters, go to:
Internal Web Link: http://mcsd1.zko.dec.com/csp/packs/Clusters/clusters.htm
External Web Link: http://www.digital.com/services/nsis/nt_clusters.htm
Other service plans include:
• Priority Service Plan
The Priority Service Plan (also known as Point of Product Sales (POPS) Service) is an industry
leading approach to quoting support services. Our direct and indirect sales channels can now perform
a single table look-up and provide your customers with one service part number and price for a
complete configuration. Using the One-Step Quoting Table, the service price is determined by the
total value of the product order, regardless of the number of products ordered. Compaq is outpacing
the competition, which continues to price system services by individual product items.
For more information on the Priority Service Plan for Windows NT, go to:
Internal Web Link: http://www-amcs.shr.dec.com/mkt/pops.htm
• Business Critical Services
If your customers manage a large enterprise, they depend on complex, critical systems for daily
operations and profitability—even survival. Compaq brings together the people, technology, and
global infrastructure your customers need to keep their Windows NT environment performing at its
best. We combine highly responsive support with proactive, environment-wide services that eliminate
problems that cause downtime. Our flexible plans can give your customer:
− Crisis response as fast as 15 minutes
− Dedicated technical account manager and support team
− Proactive monitoring services that correct problems before your customer knows they exist
− Remote system diagnosis and upgrades
For more information on Business Critical Services for Windows NT, go to:
Internal Web Link: http://www-amcs.shr.dec.com/mkt/nt_techn.htm
External Web Link: http://www.digital.com/services/mcs/mcs_critical.htm
• Bronze Support for Windows NT
Bronze Software Support for Microsoft Windows NT is designed to help your customer maintain high
system availability and top software performance in your non-critical Windows NT software
The service offers telephone access to Product Specialists during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 5
p.m., Monday-Friday, customer local time) for expert assistance in problem diagnosis and resolution.
It also includes around-the-clock electronic access to symptom/solution databases.
As a result, help in such areas as system management upgrades, new features, and known problems,
plus valuable operational advice, is only a call or a few keystrokes away - not just for Windows NT,
but for the full range of popular software for client/server environments, including Microsoft
For more information on Bronze Support for Windows NT, go to: