If Something Goes Wrong
Resolving a hardware conflict
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
To access Windows XP Help and Support:
1 Click Start, then click Help and Support.
The Help and Support Centre window appears.
2 Then do one or both of the following:
❖ In the search field, type in the topic of the problem
with which you need help and follow the on-screen
❖ Click a problem you would like help with from the
listings and follow the on-screen instructions.
You can connect to Support Online by clicking Support from
the menu.
Resolving a hardware conflict
If you receive an error message telling you there is a device
driver conflict or a general hardware problem, try using
Windows Help and Support to troubleshoot the problem first.
For help on hardware conflicts:
1 Click Start, then click Help and Support.
2 Click the Hardware link in the window’s left pane.
A list of category links appear.
3 Click Fixing a hardware problem.
4 Choose from specific topics and follow the steps.
If there is still a problem, the operating system should display
a message that explains what the conflict is.
A plan of action
The smooth operation of the system depends on the
interaction of all devices, programs, and features. If the
system or one of its attached devices is not working,
resolving the problem can be time-consuming and frustrating.