6 Vega’s C-2002
4 Line Setup and Description
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1) Cross Mute I/O
2) Supervisor I/O
3) RX +
4) TX +/ (RX + 2W)
5) TX -/ (RX - 2W)
6) RX -
7) Local
8) GND/Local
Connector View
Figure 4 Line Connector Pin Out
The Line interface for the C-2002 console provides communication with any standard tone remote system.
Figure 4 shows the pin out of the line interface connector, which is on the rear panel (See Figure 2 and
Figure 3).
4.2.1 Crossmute
When a parallel console operator keys a microphone in the same room, the crossmute function mutes the receive
audio path of the other parallel consoles. This prevents any unwanted audio loops that could occur, causing a loud
squeal on the paralleled speakers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Console 1: Console 2: Console 3:
Console 4:
Line +
Line -
Line 1
Line 1Line 1Line 1
Figure 5 Crossmute Function example.
Feedback may be avoided by muting the receive audio of the other consoles which are in parallel with a transmitting
console. This may be accomplished by connecting pins 1 and 8 of each of the consoles to be crossmuted as shown
in Figure 5. Pin 8 must be connected to provide a common ground. Figure 5 illustrates the connections between
consoles 1 through 3 that are in the same room and when one transmits, the receive audio on the other consoles will
be muted. Console 4 is off-site with no possibility of feedback, therefore, it is not connected and will not be muted.
Note: The intercom function will not work between crossmuted consoles.