Telex BTR-800 Intercom System User Manual

Ini tial Equip ment Set-Up
Un packing
Un pack your RadioCom Sys tem. Be low are the items that
should come with your base sta tion and each belt pack.
TR-800, TR-825
Con tact the ship per or your dealer im me di ately if any thing is
dam aged or miss ing. Fill out the reg is tra tion card and re turn it
to Telex to reg is ter the unit.
Quan tity De scrip tion
1 BTR-800 Base Sta tion
1 Op er ating In struc tions
1 Power Cord
2 An tennas (one Trans mit and one Re ceive)
1 War ranty Card
1 Screw driver
1 2 ter mi nal plug (for SA Re lay)
1 Warn ing Card
4 Rub ber feet
Quan tity De scrip tion
1 TR-8XX with An tennas
1 Bat tery pack
1 In struc tion Sheet
1 Screw driver
1 War ranty Card