SpectraLink I640 Cordless Telephone User Manual

SpectraLink Corporation Configuration and Administration—NetLink e340/i640 Wireless Telephone
Mitel Networks 3300 and SX-200 ICP and 5220 IP Phone emulation
Message Description Action
Net Busy
x…x = AP MAC address
Handset cannot obtain sufficient bandwidth
to support a call; displays MAC of failing AP.
Try the call again later.
No DHCP Server Handset is unable to contact the DHCP
Check that DNCP is operational and
connected to WLAN or use Static IP
configuration in the handset.
No ESSID Attempted to run site survey application
without an ESSID set.
Let handset come completely up.
Statically configure an ESSID in the Admin
No Func Code Handset software download files are
incorrect or corrupted
Reconfigure the handset to gain access to
the WLAN and download new code.
No Host IP The handset is configured for “static IP” (as
opposed to “use DHCP”) and no valid host IP
address (the handset’s IP address) has been
Enter a valid IP address in the
configuration settings or change to “use
No IP Address Invalid IP Check the IP address of the handset and
re-configure if required.
No Net Access Cannot authenticate / associate with AP Verify the AP configuration.
Verify that all the WEP settings in the
handset match those in the APs.
No Net Found
No APs
Handset cannot find any Access Points
This indicates any of the following:
No radio link Verify that the AP is turned on.
No ESSID – Auto-learn not supported (or)
incorrect ESSID
Verify the ESSID of the wireless LAN and
enter or Autolearn it again if required.
AP does not support appropriate data rates Check the AP configuration against
Configuration Note for AP.
Out of range Try getting closer to an AP. Check to see if
other handsets are working within the
same range of an AP. If so, check the
ESSID of this handset.
Incorrect Security settings Verify that all the Security settings in the
handset match those in the APs
No Net Found
xxxxxxxxxxxx yy
x…x = AP MAC address
yy = AP signal strength
Handset cannot find a suitable access point;
displays MAC and signal strength of “best”
non-suitable AP found.
Check AP and handset network settings
such as ESSID, Security, Reg domain and
Tx power.
Ensure APs are configured per
Configuration Note
Try Site Survey mode to determine more
specific cause.
No PBX IP Addr The Handset could not locate the Mitel PBX. If the handset is operating in static IP
mode, make sure that the PBX IP address
has been entered in the administrative
menus under RTC IP Addr. In DHCP mode,
ensure that the system administrator has
properly entered the DHCP option
parameters at the DHCP server.
PN: 72-1084-02-E.doc Page 56