SpectraLink I640 Cordless Telephone User Manual

SpectraLink Corporation Configuration and Administration—NetLink e340/i640 Wireless Telephone
Mitel Networks 3300 and SX-200 ICP and 5220 IP Phone emulation
3.5 NetLink Wireless Telephone Displays
Status display area
Displays information from the PBX in one line of text and displays available softkeys
on the second line. Muted is displayed when local muting is activated. The PBX text
may be truncated as the 5220 IP phone has 20 characters and the Wireless
Telephone display area is 18 characters.
LINE display
Pressing the LINE key from the active mode displays a list of line appearances
extracted from the programmable keys list. The line appearances are also mapped to
corresponding line icons. If more than nine lines are mapped to a handset, the
remaining line appearances will show up on the FCN list.
MENU display
Pressing the MENU key from the active state displays the descriptive text of four
softkeys. The first three are defined by the PBX. The fourth key is normally the
Superkey, but changes to HOLD when audio is flowing and SEND when a PIN number
is being set.
FCN display
Pressing the FCN key from the active state displays the list of six predefined fixed
function keys that emulate the fixed keys on the 5220 IP phone. Additionally, up to
13 programmable keys that are not on the LINE list may be displayed and up to 12
keys defined by an OAI server. The programmable key items that appear on this list
each have a state indicator in the second column of the display that shows a plus sign
if the associated feature is active. This second column is blank if the associated
feature is not active. The plus sign emulates a lit or blinking LED on a deskset.
PN: 72-1084-02-E.doc Page 15