89MD Evolution – Cordless DT590
Voice Mail Services
• Dial "4" to erase the number currently saved for your personal
assistant. It is then replaced by a number for a facility attendant.
• Dial "9" to return to the main mailbox personalization menu.
¿ Dial "2" to manage a possible external notification for
messages left in your mailbox.
This especially applies if your mailbox is managed in recording or
personal assistant mode.
A new menu is therefore played, which prompts you to :
• Dial "1" to hear the number currently saved for external
notification. This information is played back for you through
voice synthesis, one digit at a time.
• Dial the sequence : "2 <External recipient number> #" to save
your external notification recipient number. It may contain up to
18 digits, including the network access prefix.
• Dial "3" to activate or de-activate the external notification
service. If the service was initially inactive, it will be activated,
and vice versa. Deactivating the service has no impact on the
recipient number for the service that is reputed and remains
• Dial "4" to erase the number currently saved for external
• Dial "9" to return to the main mailbox personalization menu.