85MD Evolution – Cordless DT590
Voice Mail Services
¿ Dial "2" to listen to the previously selected message.
The message is repeated from the beginning.
¿ Dial "4" to rewind within the current message.
The message is rewound to the point 10 seconds prior to the
current point.
¿ Dial "5" to listen to pause or restart the current message.
Pressing the pause code the first time will suspend the play of the
message at the current point. Pressing the same code a second
time restarts the message from this same point; play will be
automatically restarted after a 15-second pause.
¿ Dial "6" to listen to fast-forward within the current message.
The message is fast-forwarded to the point 10 seconds past to the
current point.
You may also request the date and time stamping for the message
to which you are currently listening. To do so :
¿ Dial "7" to obtain the date and time stamping for the current
Depending on whether the message was left on that same day or a
previous day, the day/month (DDMM) and hour/minute (HHMM)
data concerning when your message was left are transmitted
vocally on your extension (according to one of the forms described
below), and then your current message is restarted.
• "Message received at HHMM today".
• "Message received at HHMM on DDMM".
Once you have listened to your messages in whole or in part, you
may then individually erase each message, or request that your
entire mailbox be erased. To do so :
¿ Dial "8" to listen erase the current message.
This can be carried out immediately following the message, or while
it is being played.
¿ Dial "8 #" to erase all of the messages in your mailbox.
This pertains to both new and archived messages in your mailbox,
even if the former have not been heard.
In either case, a system message will prompt you to confirm
erasing the current message or all of your mailbox messages.
At any time, you may exit the voice mail system. To do so :
¿ Dial "9" to end your call
Pressing the pause code the first time will suspend the play of the
message at the current point. Pressing the same code a second
time restarts the message from this same point; play will be
automatically restarted after a 15-second pause.