117MD Evolution – Cordless DT590
More Features on your Extension
General Call Acceptance
The general call acceptance service is usually used by your facility's
attendants who are in charge of processing your system's general
calls - most often the external calls received on your facility's
general phone number, or external calls redirected when the
internal users do not answer or are busy.
Similar to the standby status that is available when you belong to
hunt groups, the general calls acceptance service enables
attendants to control their active or inactive status for processing a
system's general calls, in relation to their vacation periods.
According to the rights assigned to your extension, you may also
have access to the general calls acceptance service. This is
generally the case. When necessary, this allows you to assist the
attendants by answering calls when their lines are congested or
when they are temporarily absent.
When you activate this general calls acceptance service on your
extension, not only will you receive your personal calls, but also
your facility's general calls.
These will be presented to you in the same way as usual, with the
external calling party's information displayed on your screen. (See
section “Incoming Calls” on page 37).
You may then process each call just as you would one of your
personal calls.
To activate or deactivate the general calls acceptance service on
your extension, from an idle extension :
67 Dial the prefix "67", assigned to the general calls acceptance
ÜÛ Press to confirm
Wait for the Service Acceptance Tone
If your extension was inactive in relation to the general calls
acceptance service, it now becomes active.
The opposite is also true - if your general calls acceptance status
was previously active, it will become inactive. Your extension will
then only receive your personal calls.
ÚÙ Press to end the management of this service.
Your extension returns to idle status.
Note :
Your rights to the general calls acceptance service depend
on your facility's different private and public networks.